Monday, August 3, 2015

Closing-in On Our 10,000th Pagewiew!

10,000?  Seriously?
I never expected when I started this little history/crass humor blog that I'd ever get 10,000 views, by my stats tell me I'm just 65 views short of that milestone!

Thank you, constant reader, for your support over these three years.  It is my fondest hope that you have read something surprising here, something that might have made you chuckle, or something that you just found interesting.  My wife asked me why I do this in the first place.  I told her that I write this stuff just for the fun of it.  Everybody takes history so damn seriously, as if the past were populated by marble statues that conversed together in lofty, erudite discourse.  The plain facts are that the past was peopled by people like you and me --but not the guy sitting just to the left of where you are --people who liked a good laugh at someone else's expense.

So to you, Mr. or Ms. 10,000, Thank you once again for giving me a look.  In the words of the immortal Mae Wast, "It's much better to be looked-over than to be overlooked."
Just as long as you realize this is probably the only Mae West pic this blog will ever display


  1. Only 11 more views before the magic number 10,000... SO EXCITED!

  2. !0,038 Today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!! I'll keep on writing!
